The path that water flows through wet caves, has allow the formation of these mystical and wonderful places known today as cenotes. Ever since the Mayan kingdom days, they have been there bringing life and keeping millions of secrets of our civilization. This unique feature brings to life an ecotourism project by the name of “Bejil-Ha”, Mayan phrase which meaning is “The Path of Water”.

Who are we?
We are a group of young people from Chemuyil who throughout an ecotourism tour aspire to make visitors and society conscious of caring and protecting our cenotes, wet caves, underground rivers,, and nature in Quintana Roo.
To share a unique experience through consciousness and sustainability, around hidden places in the Peninsula of Yucatan. Support local economy in our communities by showing the incredible value of our nature, culture, history and gastronomy.
Achieve international recognition as a true ecotourism movement with an authentic, warm and honest way of sharing the beauty of our area. Highlighting our unbreakable commitment to protect nature and our communities.
Our commitment to our community
We have been able to organized and bring to life a variety of activities to raise enviromental awareness and consciousness to kids and young people. Uniting our community through a growing list of activities:
Clausura curso de verano 2017